Top 10 plants for groundcover

Craving a low-maintenance garden with a pop? Groundcover plants are your secret weapon. Not only do they cloak bare soil and banish pesky weeds, many thrive in challenging spots like dry shade. Plus, they often boast stunning blooms or eye-catching foliage. Let's explore our top 10 picks for a garden that thrives with minimal effort!

Top 10 plants for ground cover

  1. Bigroot geranium (Geranium macrorrhizum) isn't just a mouthful to say, it's a powerhouse for low-light landscapes. This evergreen gem boasts fragrant leaves and cheerful clusters of pink or white blooms in late spring. But its toughness doesn't stop there. It thrives in dry shade and throws in a dazzling display of red-tinged leaves in autumn for year-round interest.

  2. Thriving in the shade with a splash of colour? Look no further than Vinca minor, the lesser periwinkle. Unlike its more rambunctious cousin, Vinca major, this evergreen charmer thrives even in dry shade. It's a champion for those forgotten corners, boasting beautiful purple blooms from spring all the way to autumn. A quick trim in spring keeps it in check, making it a low-maintenance groundcover gem.

  3. Shade got you down? Pachysandra terminalis, or Japanese spurge, thrives where others falter. Its glossy, green leaves with sawtooth edges carpet the ground, crowding out pesky weeds. This low-maintenance groundcover is a shade-lover's dream.

Ground cover plant - Pachysandra terminalis

  1. Epimediums, or barrenworts, bring a touch of elegance to shady corners. These charming plants form mounds of heart-shaped leaves, punctuated by delicate sprays of flowers in early spring. Even dry shade doesn't faze them! To fully appreciate their blooms and encourage a burst of fresh foliage, simply trim away the old leaves in late winter. This creates a stunning display that's easy on you and beautiful for your garden.

  2. Emerald Gaiety Euonymus: A Touch of Year-Round Charm. This low-growing shrub brings beauty and ease to your garden. Its cascading branches boast glossy, grey-green leaves trimmed in creamy white, adding year-round interest. A true trooper, it thrives in sunny spots or dappled shade, making it perfect for low-maintenance landscapes. A single yearly trim keeps it tidy, and in colder climates, the leaves might even blush pink before potentially dropping during harsh winters.

  3. Hebe pinguifolia 'Pagei' - A Coastal Gem. This evergreen shrub hugs the ground, forming a lush, low-growing mound. Its soft, grey-green leaves create a calming presence throughout the year. And while it doesn't flaunt flowers constantly, delicate white spires occasionally appear, adding a touch of elegance. This low-maintenance beauty thrives in both sunshine and partial shade, making it a perfect choice for coastal gardens.

  4. Adorn your garden with the captivating Campanula carpatica. This perennial blooms throughout summer with a cascade of violet or white, bell-shaped flowers. Regular deadheading encourages even more blooms, extending the floral display. Thrive for this charmer lies in a sunny spot.

  5. Thyme for a low-growing wonder? Thymus serpyllum, also known as creeping thyme, lives up to its name. This sun-worshipping little shrub hugs the ground, forming a fragrant carpet of evergreen leaves. Come spring, it explodes with clusters of delicate pink flowers, adding a delightful pop of color to your sunny, well-drained haven.

Ground cover Thymus vulgaris

  1. Sun-loving Sedum: This low-growing succulent boasts plump, fleshy leaves that thrive in hot, sunny spots. Sedum cauticola is a groundcover champion, carpeting your garden with beauty. In late summer, it erupts in a delightful display of nectar-rich pink flowers, sure to attract a swarm of happy bees.

  2. Blooming beauty, effortless care: Meet the Mexican fleabane. This sun-loving perennial isn't shy about flowers. For months, it produces masses of tiny white daisy-like blooms that blanket its lush green foliage. Plus, it's a low-maintenance dream. Simply trim it back in spring to encourage fresh growth, and that's all it takes for season-long color!

Tired of bare patches? Breathe life into your garden with our extensive collection of groundcover plants at Carpenters Nursery! From lush greenery to vibrant blooms, we have everything you need to transform those empty spaces in St Albans, Hertfordshire.