Time to give your lawn some love! After a chilly winter, it's ready for some spring cleaning. Check out our top tips for April lawn care and get your yard looking great for summer.
Lawn care tips for April
Embrace a more natural approach to lawn care and create a haven for wildlife. Mowing less and raising your blades encourages wildflowers like self-heal, buttercups, and clover to bloom, providing food for bees and other pollinators. Even a small unmown section can make a big difference.
Time to get the mower out! As your lawn starts to grow again after winter, regular mowing is key. Make sure your blades are nice and sharp, and try to mow when the grass is dry (the afternoon is usually a good bet). Start by setting your mower blades high and gradually lower them as the season goes on.
Time to feed your lawn! A good spring fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will give it a boost after winter and help it grow strong and healthy, so it can fight off weeds and moss.
Don't let weeds take over! As your lawn grows, keep an eye out for dandelions and docks. Hand-weeding is a great option, especially with the right tools. For larger weed problems, plan to use a lawn weedkiller next month, but wait at least two weeks after feeding your lawn.
Remove moss from your lawn by raking it with a spring tine rake. If needed, apply moss killer (following the manufacturer’s instructions) and rake out the dead moss afterwards. Do not compost dead moss as it decomposes slowly.
For a lush, even lawn, tackle bare patches now and consider sowing a new lawn. Proper soil preparation is key: use a garden fork to loosen the soil and a rake to create a level, fine texture. After sowing, lightly rake in the seed and protect it from birds with netting. Consistent moisture is crucial, so water if needed.
Get a lush lawn this summer! Visit our garden centre in St. Albans for a wide range of lawn care tools, feed, and seed. Click here for more simple lawn care tips.