The festive season is nearly upon us! Here at Carpenter’s Nursery, we have the mince pies warming in the oven and plenty of mulled wine to keep us going until Christmas Eve. Because the Christmas holidays are just around the corner, we thought we would have a break from our usual growing and planting posts. It’s that time of year when all hard-working gardeners deserve a rest from sweeping up leaves and braving the freezing temperatures. Yes, it is time to put your feet up and plan how you are going to decorate the house for Christmas.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Carpenter’s Nursery is ready for Santa and his merry little elves. The shop is stocked with festive goodies and Christmas trees, so you can pick up a tree and some decorations. Come and check out our selection of traditional spruce pines and Nordmann fir trees. You won’t be disappointed!
Christmas Trees
Christmas trees are heavenly. They smell delicious – who can resist the fragrant scent of pine oil? They also look wonderful. Nothing beats a traditional Christmas tree taking pride of place in the family home. We love them, and we know our customers do too.
Non-Drop Christmas Trees
If you prefer your tree to stay fulsome and intact for as long as possible, buy a Nordmann fir tree. We stock a range of Nordmann fir trees from 3ft to 8ft. Nordmann firs are non-drop trees, which means the needles stick to the tree for at least four weeks. We also stock traditional spruce trees, which look just as lovely but are slightly cheaper.
You can encourage your Christmas tree to hang on to its needles for a bit longer by looking after it correctly. Firstly, cut a couple of inches off the bottom of the trunk to expose some fresh wood and if you can leave it sitting in a bucket of water for 24hrs, this will enable it to take up a bit of water which will help keep the needles on for longer once it is inside. Remember to keep your tree watered when you bring it home either by adding water into the stand or by placing a saucer underneath.
Choose the right place for your fir tree. If you place a real Christmas tree near a heat source, such as an open fire or radiator, it will soon begin to drop its needles. Where possible, put your fir tree in a cooler spot, such as a hallway or conservatory and turn the heating in the room down a bit, this will preserve the needles for longer.
Choosing the Right Size Tree
Be realistic about how large a tree you need. Don’t buy a 10ft Christmas tree if you live in a small flat on the top floor of a tower block. It won’t fit in the lift for starters!
No matter what you do, a real Christmas tree will shed needles so be prepared to have to sweep or vacuum under it occasionally. It’s the price you pay for that lush greenery and heady scent.
If you need some more advice, feel free to ask one of the Carpenter’s team.
Merry Christmas from all at Carpenter’s Nursery!